Thursday, December 10, 2009

Monuments of Ramses II

Ramses II had so many monuments of himself because people thought he was all things to all people(I wish i was all things to all people that mean I could command them to do my homework). Like I said in the last post, he was a war hero, conqueror, and peacemaker in his worldly role Pharaoh. Ramses II incorporated the many facets of his persona in the most enduring legacy of his lengthy reign!! Ramses just should of passed the torch a lot earlier if you ask me. Ramses II had a constuction program of palaces,temples, and stauary that spread his name( I feel sorry for the people who built all those monuments, they must of hated Ramses).


  1. Building all of the palaces, temples, and statuaries for Ramses is like going to school. Except our parents are the equivalents to Ramses..:)Because our parents make us go to school

  2. I already commend u to do my homework.I would make a bunch of monuments of myself. ( Ramses gets a beastly point for that)

  3. I'm pretty sure you can't get people to not give you homework. What does facets and persona mean?
